Thursday, January 10, 2008

Don't fret, precious. I'm here.

Sorry to quote Maynard in an APC song, but sometimes I really want to step away from the window into my subconscious and go back to sleep. I don't want to know if there's a deeper meaning to the weird dream I just had. I'm freaked out by my own mind!

It feels like a conflict of interest sometimes to analyze dreams. On the one hand, you want to know what it means to dream of asking people to please let you have one of their Orthotricyclen pills (yes, very weird), but on the other hand, I'd really like to believe that it was simply my brain doing exercises in "how would you handle this fuck-up?" and that it has no deeper significance.

The annoying part about it is that I've started remembering more of my dreams. Most of the time, it's fragments. I don't remember enough to give context. So I end up with these vignettes that don't make any sense.

It's a short post this time, but I really can't shake this shitty dream I had last night. I'd love to pull the covers over my head and dream something else to push that one out. It wasn't a nightmare insomuch as I felt in control of myself, but I really did not like what was happening.


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