Wednesday, August 8, 2007

better than ... nothing

So, I'm a little buzzed at the moment. It's pathetic how little alcohol it takes me to get to that point. Those of you who need several stiff drinks to get to this point find it amusing I'd be tipsy after ... one and a half of a shabby malt beverage. Those of you against drinking need margaritas, on the rocks, no salt.

And now all my hopes of remaining gender ambiguous are dashed. I flatter myself that it wasn't apparent all along, but spare me that one last joy.

I honestly have no idea why I'm posting anything since I have precious little to say. None of it is worth reading since I don't have links, I don't have political views to share, I don't have horrific photos of celebrities the general masses idolize and ... I should have another drink so this post rambles on into oblivion and I stop hearing what I just wrote in my head using an English accent. Seriously, high brow English accent with a hankering for a spot of tea and everything. I've truly gone mad.

I've made a point of trying to keep this blog free of links and all other manner of extra tangents considering I'm quite capable of coming up with my own. I suppose that means I'm relegated to quick scans from late-night blog surfers and the occasional accidental Googling. Damn, now I'm emoting about how boring I am.

Moving on.

The point is (really? there is one? noooo ... shhhhhh) I'm still here and I still plan to post. When I'm sober. And I have a reason. Beyond this one. Shuttup.